Mathematics Learning in the Era of COVID-19

Moving Forward: Mathematics Learning in the Era of COVID-19  is the result of a joint effort of Leadership in Mathematics Education (NCSM) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) that presents considerations, questions, and potential solution processes to educators and school leaders to address the challenges induced by the COVID-19 pandemic of spring 2020. In this document, they show how effective practices for mathematics teaching and learning can provide helpful direction to address the challenges that teachers, school leaders, and policymakers face now and will continue to face in the months ahead. This document is organized around three major areas that require consideration when planning for the 2020–2021 school year. These three areas have serious implications for equitable access to high-quality mathematics teaching and learning: (1) structural considerations, (2) teaching practices, and (3) advocacy

In Moving Forward, each major area is presented with these guiding questions.

• Who should be part of which conversations and decisions (teachers, families, school level leaders, students, or other partners and stakeholders)?

• What supports are necessary for educators to thoughtfully engage learners in meaningful learning of mathematics when students, teachers, and leaders move forward with learning?

• What questions do we need to ask before taking next steps?

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