Frog Watch

The Roger Williams Park Zoo chapter of the AZA FrogWatch is currently recruiting new frog watchers! Frog Watch is a citizen science program that provides volunteers the opportunity to learn about wetlands in your community by reporting on the calls of local frogs and toads. A strong presence of frogs and toads is indicative a healthy habitat, hence why they are called “indicator species”.  Data collected shows that frogs and toads are disappearing at an alarming rate. The FrogWatch program serves to provide evidence of species distribution as well as identifying impacts of habitat loss and climate change.

Volunteers are trained by the Zoo and commit to audit a local amphibian habitat approximately once a week for about five minutes and are trained to tell local amphibians apart by their call. Data is collected and processed nationally in the FrogWatch USA database, as well as locally in the Rhode Island National History Survey.

Interested? Hop to the following link for training dates and registration:


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